by: Pete Becerra [ ]
This is an all new, must get, photo etch set for any Bradley kit. The best thing about this set is the addition of the whole turret basket, periscope heads and a complete ISU (Intergrated Sight Unit "Gunners Sight"). Eduard's first photo etch set (#35111) was great for its time. In this new example, they improved and expanded upon the original effort at providing interior details - making a single set. Early Turret details were improved, so much so that it became a separate detail set with tons of new stuff. Whats In The Bag! Not only do you get the entire turret basket, but you also get a complete ISU (Integrated Sight Unit). That is the "Gunners Sight" in common parlance. You get all the periscope heads, 9 in total, with cover. Two radio mounts and radios are included, plus the seat back rest that mounts right under the radio's. Additionally, Gunner's and TC's control sticks and elevation and turret rotation wheels come with this set. A main gun cover and coaxial ammo container is included too. The TOW, Main Gun, and Turret control boxes round out the details. The only problems I found was that the TOW control box was mounted too far back, and the Main Gun Control box should be mounted at an angle up. Other than that nothing else was wrong. What Goes and What Stays! There is not much that has to be removed from the original kit turret. Three things is all you have to remove - the two figure stands on part B7 and little bit has to be removed from the inside of the turret half C5. The only thing you have to add is 8mmx8mmx1mm plastic seats, plastic rod handles and foot rest and a couple of other places. Everything else just fits in place. There are a couple of components missing, but with some good reference photos, you should be able to add these as well.
Once all this is painted and small details picked out, it looks great through the Gunner's and TC's hatches. Along with the new interior and exterior sets for the Bradley, you should turn out a very impresive kit!
About Pete Becerra (Epi) I am 48 years of age. I have been modeling since I was around 8 years old. As you can see from my signature, I am retired from the US Army and Texas Army National Guard. I served 6 years in active duty from 1989 to 1995 and in 1998 I joined the Texas Army National Guard and been serving up unt... Copyright ©2021 text by Pete Becerra [ ]. All rights reserved.