Einheitsdiesel ("standard diesel") was made by a few different companies up until about 1942, and was a fairly common German vehicle, similar to the way the USA standardized the requirements for the GMC-CCKW. A range of different bodies were built onto the basic chassis, including the van-like radio body depicted in the IBG kit. Other manufacturers of this standard type chassis type included Krupp, Henschel, Mercedes and others.
IBG has released a kit of the Einheitsdiesel Kfz.61 (reviewed by our own publisher, Jim Starkweather,
kit contents
This PE set comes in a standard plastic bag with the details of the contents stapled to the open end of the bag. Each PE fret is protected in its own little cellophane bag, and is separated by a thin cardboard sheet as well to protect against scratching. The instruction sheet is folded up and adds to the protection of the sheets.
the review
While the IBG kit is nice, it is soft on detail and parts like the bonnet are seen to be very thick. If you want to model the vehicle with the bonnet open to show the engine and compartment, that is when this Part PE set comes into its own. Once I had opened the bags and spread the parts out, I was amazed at just how small some of the PE pieces were. They look easy to clean up, and bend either with a PE bending tool or pliers. The photo etch fret looks fairly straightforward as well.
I believe that this Part PE Bonnet addition will really set off the IBG model.