The Henschel 33 D1, built between 1934-1943, is a medium-sized 6 x 4 truck which was also built under license by Magirus (KHD) between 1938-1940. These were built with a variety of diesel & petrol power plants (the 33 D1 is petrol a engine). It fitted into the German common general specification similar to the USA’s general specification for the GMC-CCKW type truck.
Unlike the GMC though the Henschel and other standard makes were available to commercial users (with subsidy) and for export mainly to boost production and reduce unit cost. In Germany these were used by other Government Departments including the
Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways). ICM's Henschel styrene kit can be upgraded with two PE sets from PART of Poland, including this one for the hood (the general set was reviewed by me on Armorama
kit contents
This photo etch kit comes in Part's standard plastic bag with the details of the contents stapled to the open end. Each PE fret is protected by the folded-up instruction sheet between them. The set contains 2 frets of PE and 1 A4-size instruction sheet printed on one side.
the review
The frets are small and some parts like the hood itself are quite large, but it still contain some smaller parts that you would have to be careful with. The hood needs to be bent around a pencil or a similar round object to give it rounded sides, but I found it easier to use the plastic kit hood as a template to get the right curve. Care must be taken with the instructions, and the removal of any plastic parts from the ICM kit. Of course, CA glue must be used to afix the parts.
I have started using this PE set on my ICM Henschel kit, and have found it extremely easy to work with. It enhances the kit a lot more than what I thought it would. Parts have to be washed in mentholated spirits to enable the glue to adhere better, or else annealed with flame.