by: Jim Lewis [ ]
Plus Model of the Czech Republic is one of my favorite armor model accessory producers. Their items are crispy cast and wonderfully detailed - and inexpensive on top of it all. Recently, they released a US equipment accessory set for Vietnam-era modelers. This set comes with an instruction sheet - and decals for the fire extinguishers, oil drums, and "Coca-Cola" soda cans! The decal registration is sharp and vibrant. The creamy tan colored resin parts come packaged in bubble wrap - Plus Model cast the handles cleanly - and open - on the drums! Mine arrived safe and sound - with no damage whatsoever. Highly Recommended. x1 Decal Sheetx1 Instructions for applying Decalsx2 Fire Extinguishers - with accompanying data label decalsx2 Sandbags - Filledx2 Marmite Hot/Cold Food Containersx2 Hot/Cold Liquid Containersx3 Oil Drums (appears to be 5-Gal 15W40 - with accompanying decals)x3 Crates (Style 1)x3 Crates (Style 2)x2 Handie-Talkiesx2 Portable Radios (Battery-Powered "civilian" style)x5 "Coca-Cola" Soda Cans - with accompanying decalsx4 Clear Bottles (two different styles)x6 "Flimsy" Containers - three different styles
About Jim Lewis (GunTruck) I love American AFV's from all eras and researching Vietnam-era Gun Trucks and US Army Pentomic and Atomic Battlefield Ordnance from the 1950's through the 1960's. Avid Sci-Fi fan and modeler as well - Star Wars, Space:1999, and Star Trek are favorites. Owner/Master Miniaturist - GunTruck Studios.... Copyright ©2021 text by Jim Lewis [ ]. All rights reserved.