Occupation: home depot
Interests: Aces High II, call sign:CKMATE. building 1/35 german afv's, playing chess, fishing, blah blah blah

About GIL
56 in nov 2006, just started building models again (last year). built many models as a kid. cars, boats, planes, tanks. quit around the time i was 16 or 17. got interested again because i enjoy history and flight sims. i've flown Air Warrior callsign:+MATE and now fly in Aces High callsign:CKMATE. mostly enjoy building german afv's.
56 in nov 2006, just started building models again (last year). built many models as a kid. cars, boats, planes, tanks. quit around the time i was 16 or 17. got interested again because i enjoy history and flight sims. i've flown Air Warrior callsign:+MATE and now fly in Aces High callsign:CKMATE. mostly enjoy building german afv's.
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