Occupation: Sponsorship Consultant
Interests: ....at the moment work steals all my free time, thats the price of having your own company :-/ But sooon we will start building again :-D

About Tazoslo
I started building modelplanes around the age of 9 or 10. The first model was a F-100 Super Sabre, in around 1/48 scale, given to me at christmas.Don't know why I got it, had never shown any interest in modelling. It was a the start of a intereste that was going keep me occupied for 6-7 years. All in all I built around 25 models during this phase. I kept going with airplanes until around nr. 20 when I got my eyes on armor and soft skins. That was spurred on by the 1988 Tamiya catalouge which I got my hands on during a holiday in Spain. I started painting around nr.5 and reach a fairly good level at the end, but I ufortunately never got to try to paint with an airbrush. It was both a question of money, lack of refrence material and the fact i didn't know anyone else that building models. That also set an effective stop for my wishes to build dios. I didn't have any information to go on and was clueless on how to do it. As so many other I stopped to build when I turned 17-18 years. In October 2007 I found Armorama on the net, that was the start of my rekindled interest in modelling. I had finally found the place with all the information I needed and if it wasn't here I could allways find links to places that have the info. The real pain of it is that I at the momen have no place to build anything. I am living with my girlfriend, daugther, dog and 2 rats in a 3 room flat. We are hoping to buy a house this summer, WITH a hobby room/office. Until then I can't do anything but read and drewl at the fantastic work the people of Armorama are doing.
I started building modelplanes around the age of 9 or 10. The first model was a F-100 Super Sabre, in around 1/48 scale, given to me at christmas.Don't know why I got it, had never shown any interest in modelling. It was a the start of a intereste that was going keep me occupied for 6-7 years. All in all I built around 25 models during this phase. I kept going with airplanes until around nr. 20 when I got my eyes on armor and soft skins. That was spurred on by the 1988 Tamiya catalouge which I got my hands on during a holiday in Spain. I started painting around nr.5 and reach a fairly good level at the end, but I ufortunately never got to try to paint with an airbrush. It was both a question of money, lack of refrence material and the fact i didn't know anyone else that building models. That also set an effective stop for my wishes to build dios. I didn't have any information to go on and was clueless on how to do it. As so many other I stopped to build when I turned 17-18 years. In October 2007 I found Armorama on the net, that was the start of my rekindled interest in modelling. I had finally found the place with all the information I needed and if it wasn't here I could allways find links to places that have the info. The real pain of it is that I at the momen have no place to build anything. I am living with my girlfriend, daugther, dog and 2 rats in a 3 room flat. We are hoping to buy a house this summer, WITH a hobby room/office. Until then I can't do anything but read and drewl at the fantastic work the people of Armorama are doing.