Occupation: Customer Service Staff, Publix Supermarkets
Interests: reading, cooking (eating unfortunately), travel, Air Shows

About bdanie6
I was born (wheren't we all?) in Boston Ma. but grew up in Buffalo NY. At the age on 9 I was enrolled in the local YMCA where I was taught to build models (this was about 1962) From then on thru Jr. High I built constantly. I moved to Angola NY in 1967 and was forced to give up modeling (no LHS, no mail order and certainly no internet) After high school I enlisted in the US Coast Guard. I served at Point Judith SAR station in Rhode Island and when I got out in 1974 I went to work in Boston Ma, and rediscovered modeling. I also found my wife. In 1978 we moved to NH where I modeled off and on, had 2 kids and worked too hard for 25 years. The last chick left the nest...for the Navy in 2000 and in 2002 my wife and I moved to Florida where we have been for the last 13 years. We finally settled down in Vero Beach where we both joined the local IPMS club, The Nightfighters of Vero Beach. So named because from 1942 to 1945 NAS Vero Beach was THE Navy night flying training school.
I was born (wheren't we all?) in Boston Ma. but grew up in Buffalo NY. At the age on 9 I was enrolled in the local YMCA where I was taught to build models (this was about 1962) From then on thru Jr. High I built constantly. I moved to Angola NY in 1967 and was forced to give up modeling (no LHS, no mail order and certainly no internet) After high school I enlisted in the US Coast Guard. I served at Point Judith SAR station in Rhode Island and when I got out in 1974 I went to work in Boston Ma, and rediscovered modeling. I also found my wife. In 1978 we moved to NH where I modeled off and on, had 2 kids and worked too hard for 25 years. The last chick left the nest...for the Navy in 2000 and in 2002 my wife and I moved to Florida where we have been for the last 13 years. We finally settled down in Vero Beach where we both joined the local IPMS club, The Nightfighters of Vero Beach. So named because from 1942 to 1945 NAS Vero Beach was THE Navy night flying training school.
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