Occupation: web developer

About mullig0n
Hi! I'm a 30 year old bloke from Perth, Western Australia. I first started modelling at the age of 9, when my parents bought me my first model aeroplane. BIG mistake on their part, as military modelling has been an obsession for me ever since!! These days I love making armour and painting military figures from the WWII era. Many modellers tend to have a favourite theatre, battle or army they focus on, and mine is the Polish army throughout the second war. Having married a Pole and spent quite a while in Poland, I became extremely interested in their history which contains such amazing heroism, brutality, betrayal and tragedy that at times its hard to read about. Check back soon to see some of my models - I'll start uploading as soon as I can work out how to use my bl#%dy camera well enough to take some half-decent photos!! Cheers! Nick
Hi! I'm a 30 year old bloke from Perth, Western Australia. I first started modelling at the age of 9, when my parents bought me my first model aeroplane. BIG mistake on their part, as military modelling has been an obsession for me ever since!! These days I love making armour and painting military figures from the WWII era. Many modellers tend to have a favourite theatre, battle or army they focus on, and mine is the Polish army throughout the second war. Having married a Pole and spent quite a while in Poland, I became extremely interested in their history which contains such amazing heroism, brutality, betrayal and tragedy that at times its hard to read about. Check back soon to see some of my models - I'll start uploading as soon as I can work out how to use my bl#%dy camera well enough to take some half-decent photos!! Cheers! Nick
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