Occupation: Lasermax firearms optics
Interests: Football, Fishing, Spending time with my kids.

My interest in modeling was sparked by my step father. He had boxes full of 1/72nd scale WWII armor he had built before meeting my mother and I. He also had Shep Paine’s “Modeling Tanks and Military Vehicles”. I read it front to back and was hooked. During the winter months, he would take me to Ace Hobby Shop in Niagara Falls, NY just about every other weekend. I would spend every dime I had earned from shoveling driveways on armor and ship kits. Like most of us, adolescence and young adulthood put modeling on the back burner. I joined the U.S. Army in 1998 as a 19D Cavalry Scout and served in light and heavy Cavalry units as a vehicle driver, gunner, and commander. I served in Germany, Bosnia, Louisiana, Kuwait, and Iraq until 2006. After serving three consecutive tours in Iraq, I returned to Germany in 2004 and picked up the hobby once again. I’ve been modeling pretty consistently since then but still consider myself to be somewhat of a novice. I attend the IPMS shows in the Buffalo-Rochester area pretty regularly, but have never actually submitted an entry. Maybe this year! I have hundreds of pics and some videos from my time spent in the Army. Most are from Iraq. Great reference stuff for Brads, M1s, HMMWVs, Iraqi vehicles (some destroyed), and the Iraqi landscape. I still have buddies in that can provide me with reference pics. Most recently, a friend of mine who is in the Stryker Brigade at Fort Lewis emailed me some pics that needed for detailing the wiring harness’ of an upcoming Stryker RV project. I am more than happy to share anything that anyone hear may need.
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