Occupation: Disabled Veteran
Interests: WWII history, photography, Sports cars, shooting/Firearms,
building and collecting models, Scratchbuilding/heavily modifying existing kits into the next generation of that particular aircraft, using massive modification and producing complete assemblies,

About sniperbait66
Former 101st Airborne Division Staff Non-Commisioned Officer, former Marine Staff Non-Commisioned Officer, Combat Veteran, Republic of Vietnam, 1966-67, UH1-D Crewchief/Gunner, Disabled Veteran after seventeen and a half years of service . father of five wonderful children, ages 4 to 39. Former video game Tester, former Videogame Level Designer, Building kit designer, Mould maker, modeller, Sketch Artist, Sculptor, Figure painter. Inventor. World War II was my path out of Vietnam. I began modelling when I came home and was selling everything I built in 3 months. Recently returned to modelling after becoming more disabled to the point I am unable to use my hands for any length of time because of a degenerative spinal disorder caused by injuries received in combat.
Former 101st Airborne Division Staff Non-Commisioned Officer, former Marine Staff Non-Commisioned Officer, Combat Veteran, Republic of Vietnam, 1966-67, UH1-D Crewchief/Gunner, Disabled Veteran after seventeen and a half years of service . father of five wonderful children, ages 4 to 39. Former video game Tester, former Videogame Level Designer, Building kit designer, Mould maker, modeller, Sketch Artist, Sculptor, Figure painter. Inventor. World War II was my path out of Vietnam. I began modelling when I came home and was selling everything I built in 3 months. Recently returned to modelling after becoming more disabled to the point I am unable to use my hands for any length of time because of a degenerative spinal disorder caused by injuries received in combat.
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