Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - 12:51 PM UTC
Green Stuff has informed us about their new Crackle Paint, a product which will create amazing transparency or weathered effects.
It is a fast-drying Paint that crack as it dries to create an eggshell cracking pattern in just one step.
It is a fast-drying Paint that crack as it dries to create an eggshell cracking pattern in just one step.
It is a water based paint with a semi transparent finish that could be used alone, with PVA glue, or even tinted with Inks or Paints.
Adding a bit of PVA glue on the surface before the crackle paint helps to increase the grip and the size of the cracks.
It can be applied directly or with a brush. Depending on the thickness of application, you might get different size of cracks.
You can see it in action with explanations here and here
Adding a bit of PVA glue on the surface before the crackle paint helps to increase the grip and the size of the cracks.
It can be applied directly or with a brush. Depending on the thickness of application, you might get different size of cracks.
You can see it in action with explanations here and here
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