Monday, March 30, 2020 - 03:49 AM UTC
Just a reminder for those of us cooped up in our homes (or basements) that we do have our Discord channel up and running for people who might want to brave the new world of social meetings, etc. It's not quite Zoom with a web cam an all, but if you want to hook up a mic (or web cam mic) that works.

I suppose setting a time and date for starting anything like this is always a good idea. So let's say Wednesday at 3PM EST? That should allow most of our EU folks and NA folks to be online at the same time. I will be there. Who will join me? Once you get your feet wet with these things they aren't so scary. Trust me.

Here is the link to our Discord channel.
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great idea, how about a meeting on Sunday as well, for those of us who are still working.
MAR 30, 2020 - 04:13 AM
Most definitely people should try to form social groups and get together when they can based on their region and such. We have had like 6+ people signup today on the channel so hopefully we can get some critical mass on this by meeting up and getting to know who is out there. People use this a lot for socializing and gaming and I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work for people who are building models or just want to hang out and chat. Cheers, Jim
MAR 30, 2020 - 06:25 AM
Yes, I don't even get off work until 3PM, and then I have a half-hour drive home.
MAR 30, 2020 - 11:49 AM
Great idea, for a second there the ad for shop power tools threw me, that is until I realized that it was an ad and not related to the topic; sorry, kind of slow today after about two weeks in self-isolation. Reality seems a hard one to grasp; must remember to tightly seal those glue jars...
MAR 30, 2020 - 12:50 PM

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