The show is in the familiar format of club stands, vendors and an open competition. The club stands displayed some superb work, with a good mix of subjects across the tables. If there was a noticeable absence, it was figures, although conversely the only modeller working on a model at his table was a figure modeller. Some of the regular Vendors were in attendance, and although I set myself a strict budget, I was once again enticed to pick up a few bits and pieces that I 'needed anyway..' . I mean, you can never have enough books, can you? And any rumours about me buying an Aeroplane kit are true...
The competition is judged by the AMPS rules, as in that each entry is judged on it's own merit, unlike the IPMS rules. That is the reason why I like to enter in this competition, as it gives you a true assessment of
your model, rather than an comparison with the other entries. I entered two AFV's in the 1/72 and above scale class (both 1/35) and was awarded an Overall Gold. My single entry in the Small Scale class was awarded a Silver. For me though, the most valuable part of the competition is that afterwards you can ask the judges why they came to a certain decision. For me, that is a great help in accessing where I am, and how I can improve my models. I took away not just a certificate and medal, but also some invaluable advice.
I'm already looking forward to next year, although I will double check on the location before I set off. Perhaps we can get enough of the Armorama members together to attend with a stand...