When I visited this show last year, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and decided that I would return this year. With the majority of shows that I manage to attend being in the Northern half of the Country, and involving early starts and long car journeys, this show being a mere hour away is a big bonus. The journey takes in some of Wiltshire's and Dorset's finest countryside to boot, so this show is a firm favourite. The show is held in a school, the layout of which gives it more atmosphere than a big hall, but unfortunately the show's success means that it is outgrowing it's venue. Indeed, unlike last year, this year there was no spare table space for those (like me) arriving with models to show, but without a club to do so. The welcome from the Vikings was no less welcome though, and you can always enter a few models in the competition.
The show attracts a very nice mix of modellers, and whilst AFV's and Aeroplanes are in a majority, there is a good showing of large scale ships, most of which are remote control sailing ships. And whilst a static show does not give them the opportunity to flourish in their element, it does give a chance to see the craftsmanship that goes into ship building up close. My favourite of the day has to be the stream powered tug, although the finish of the wooden yacht had to be stroked to be appreciated.