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Wow! Excellent job.
The only thing that struck me was that the Shermans should have been more wet and shiny above the water line due the waves etc. Like the drum on the beach. However, that does not distract from the diorama being excellent.
How did you do the water?
Thanks for sharing
Jim and I spoke about this very issue. He said from photographs he had and writings of tankers who made the wade into shore, the surf remained mostly off of the tank's upper hull. Jim is a great stickler for detail (as if you can't tell) and he modelled the "dryness" according to his best research.
BTW, that historical point was not taken into account and cost him in the eyes of some of the judges that day sadly. Ahh, such is life. Jim continues to literally crank models and dioramas out constantly. He posts most of his work over on TL.
Amongst Jim's other entries at the AMPS Show was also the winner of the "Fish Tanks" theme award: he modelled a great M4A3 amphibian , swimming along during the Okinawa invasion.