David, is this fig 1/35? The pix aren't great, but looking at the face, it seems to lack a lot of detail, so either it's a reallly crap sculpt or you've laid on the paint too thick. If it's the latter, maybe you should strip it and repaint. Cos however good the paintjob is it can't do much without details.
Frankly, you need a lot of practice, but don't worry, my first figs looked pretty bad too

. If you're attempting to paint cam patterns, look carefully at the pattern and try to replicate it by breaking it down into stages (there are quite a few tutorials here and on Historicus Forma which explain it) rather than just using the colours in splotches.
Also, try to be a bit more subtle when adding mud, dirt etc. Go lightly and build up the effect gradually rather than splashing it on.
Maybe this isn't what you wanted to hear, but don't give up, mate. Practice practice practice...