Hi Felix. For your first completed figure, I must say its quite good. Thats what I did at the beginning as well ... took an article by a good painter and copied their instructions .. even if it didn´t work out right, I learnt a lot on the way!
My only comment is to keep at it, and try other modellers instructions as well .. even using different mediums. Eventhough I paint mostly in enamels, I use oils and acrylics for differnt things ... probably as a result of trying different methods ... but also where I feel I get the best reults.
Direct imaging of your photographs

This photo, I have uploaded to my directory because its on its side. If you click on this image in your own directory, there is admin options under it, where you can rotate it "CW" (clockwise). Submit changes and it will be properly orientated. Looking at this figure, it shows very promising results. The skin tones appear a little warm, and maybe not suited to guy with cold weather clothes. Mixing a little blue into the mix and "cool" this. Now you´ve got a reference point, keep practicing.