Which one is the FOF panel? I don't know much about the IFF panels. I know the "venitian blinds" as the jagged panel is sometimes called makes it look "cool" on an otherwise "hot" vehicle in thermal viewers, and the VS-17 panel is meant for high-viz observation and I think it has some IR or thermal effects too. I doubt your observation that it might just be not in the way. If that were the case, there'd be far fewer seen because if its not needed, the maintenance guys would have taken them off long ago. But that's just my take on it.
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Jeff does your other question about the radios betray what you're going to do with your M1114 update set from Mig??

. I just got my package from Mig Jimenez today and am writing up the review now, but I was curious what I'd need on the interior. I have enough exterior shots to get by, but I have come up lacking when it comes to Iraqi interior shots.
BTW short version of my review, I'm overall liking what I'm seeing. I have my issues, but its still very worth getting.