The figure seems a little odd to me - he's wearing the U-Boat leather jacket, which was 'quite' common among SS units in Normandy; there are several photos in the Bundesarchiv of a HitlerJugend PzIV crew totally outfitted in this spiffy little number (said photos reproduced in the long out of print 'Panzers in NW Europe' WW2 Photo Album by Bruce Quarrie, ISBN: 0850593220).
The Italian pattern camo trousers also fit the Normandy scenario - as previously suggested, you could remove the pocket and paint them as leather, but maybe you'd have to put some work into the folds and creases, because leather doesn't behave the same as cloth.
Alternatively, paint them plain reed green - the reed green Panzer uniform pants came with a patch pocket on the thigh as per the figure...
It's the PPsH41 that bugs me - troops on the OstFront loved 'em because of their magazine capacity, ruggedness and ready supply of ammo; seems to me this last would have been a problem in Normandy.
I've never seen any photo evidence of this weapon on the Western Front - not to say it 'never' happened, but it's pretty unlikely.
So, nice figure, credible uniform combination, unlikely personal weapon.
IMHO, that is.
acav out