Dit is actually an extension of the review of the Das Werk Miniatures conversion that appeared on the site today.
This blog more or less begins where the review ended because I decided to add some other stuff that is not supplied in the kit. The kit is pretty much all painted up now. I still have to do some things here and there. Soon will be all detail painting and weathering.
I sprayed the vehicle in desert yellow from Tamiya and then Highlighted it with buff. The Green camostripes are from a premixed green mix of which I have several tones. On the fenders and the hood I already did some minor chipping.
The body is also painted, washed and filtered. I still need to add some more weathering there such as dust and bloody handprint and smudges where the medic touched things inside when they had a wounded soldier in the back.
I still need to add things like caked mud to the wheelwells and the chassis. I know that here and there there is overspray visible of the green camo stripes but that will eventually be handled in the filtering stages... Should be no problem really.
Ok enough talk here are the pics with every now and then some additional info.
Following pics show base colors and first chipping from the body

The floor is done with some filters and some drybrushes to give the appearance of a lot of walking around in the back..

Following pics show more or less the final chipping of the ambulance body.

Next up is the drivers cabin and the exterior colors. I sadly don't have any pics of the whole vehicle in sandcolor as I was so focused on the camo that I completely forgot to make pics of that step. Again there is some overspray but that is no problem with the filter step. The only pic I have of the sandcolor is the following. With the buff it became a lot lighter as the German sandcolor actually was.

So much for the painted vehicle. Up is weathering. I made a small star by chipping away at the fenders and the hood. But this is only the first step in chipping. three more steps will follow. Also a huge load of filters and washes will be applied. Dusting too and such. I also painted the windows half white here.

Ok I did all the updating on this project.
As usual I'm looking forward to your opinions and such and hope to get some good feedback.
With a friendly greet
Robert Blokker