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Pacific War in the East
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, December 13, 2007 - 06:58 PM UTC
Haha roger that Bob.

I got started with my dio after I made it home today. Broke open the Italeri Marine M4... baaaad kit. It's been in my stash forever it seems like and now i remember why. I went through it and made my plans. I decided on building an M4A3 flame tank known as 'COED'. It will be set on Iwo. I found some great pics, but the only catch is that they are from a considerable distance or from too close!!!! Any help on finding the tank's numbering would be great, otherwise I will wing it (which I really do not want to do). I built the framing for my base as well.

I also began planning my next dio. It will be set on Pelillue. It will be a somewhat waterlogged, disabled LVT. I might add a little more but for now I am keeping it simple thereby leaving my options very open.

Hope ya'll have fun with this. I will be back from Boston on Sunday so expect some posting!

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Manitoba, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, December 15, 2007 - 01:04 PM UTC
Hello all!

The start date for this one slipped my mind, but better late than never! I'm planning on building either a later type Chi Ha or a Ho Ni SPG.
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Saturday, December 15, 2007 - 06:19 PM UTC
Hi dang camera broke, but my M4A3 5th Tank Bn Iwo Flame Tank is coming along well...I've tried Don Franklin's flame methond and it works like a charm...
Next step is to start the weathering and then it's time to kit her out and shoot some photos...IF Santa brings a NEW camera.


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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Sunday, December 16, 2007 - 05:25 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Thanks Jesper,
Any specific location for the Type 97 Chi Ha? I might be able to help with some photos.

I was thinking the Russian invasion of Manchuria in 1945. I have a BT-7 that I might put in a diorama with the Chi Ha. I have read on the internet that some BT-7s were still used for the Manchuria invasion, but I have not seen any real proff.

Any help would be appreciated
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 16, 2007 - 01:04 PM UTC
Hey y'all,
Got to working on 'Coed' today. Most of the hull and turret are done right now. I am working on finding the correct paint mix to begin that step later tonight. I am also trying to locate a good source for Marine style tracks. Any help on that would be great. I haven't really ordered aftermarket stuff for any kits yet. My LHS has carried PE and resin for kits that are on the shelf (it is great to have the parts available and not have to await orders). Anyway, I am plugging along at this and I am glad everyone is getting to theirs as well. And thanks Bob for everything. You have been my greatest help in this process.

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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 - 04:24 AM UTC
Contruction on my Chi Ha is almost complete. This kit practically falls together. It took one long evening and it was done. Be careful about shaking the box. It might be build when you open it

It is an old kit from 1975, but it is actually quite okay. The AA MG is pretty nice and the suspension and rivets are quite nice - especially considering the age of the kit.

The exhaust on the other hand is not that well detailed and should probably be replaced. However, for my kit I have decided to live with them and build the CHI Ha OOB. Also notice that if you leave the hatches open you will need to close the gaps under the hull to avoid light shining through onto the tracks.

More to follow.....

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Florida, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 - 07:56 AM UTC
Jesper, nice start. If you interested I do believe there was a PE set for this, might be to late now, your moving too fast for us to keep up. On that Russian invasion of Manchuria in 1945 question. I found 2 accounts you might want to look through. I glanced but didn't notice what type of Russian tanks were used.
August Storm
August Storm
Hope these help.
Mike, for tracks Steel Chevron with Duckbills. It looks like the grousers were also used but I can't quite make them out in the photos. There are duckbills missing in a uniform pattern and that’s where the grousers would be if they are there.

My progress was a little jumpy. Worked on the engine and combat compartments. Using different company kits made me have to cut off the back wall of the engine compartment. I also finished up gluing on the wood and screening the base. And readied 3 of the hatches. And started the turret.

Looking great so far,
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England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 - 10:54 AM UTC
Jesper are you some kind of whirlwind? . I'm amazed at how fast you build! I've made a start on my figures. My multipose Airfix are now even more multiposed as I've been doing some amputation work and using allsorts of bits. Mind you I'm officially the first casualty as I managed to slice into my finger with an X-Acto saw the other night cutting a pair of legs in half and covered everything in blood:-X .I'd forgotten what good figures these are. Now to get more Japs...LOL
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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, December 17, 2007 - 08:30 PM UTC
Hi Bob and Karl, the Tamiya kit is a breeze. No problems at all. I knew about the Eduard PE set, but decided not to go for it and do it OBB.

Bob, interesting articles. The japs really got a beating from the Russians in 1945. There is nothing about BT-7s in the articles, so I cannot really decide if I want to make a diorama with a Chi Ha and BT-7 together.
Anyway, I could make the diorama based on the 1938-39 border clashes, which would definently include both types of tanks, but then I cannot use my Russian assault troops with submachine guns as these were first developed in 1940. So many considerations about historical accuracy

I will finish the Chi Ha first in a generic camo scheme and then decide later.
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Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 08:36 AM UTC
Hey Bob,

The progress' looking so good! do you plan to show your 'Gator with hatches opened?
I do not have any update sets for my Amtank, so I'll open only the driver's visor, and add some minor scratch interior features.
I'll enclose some pics:

Cheers, Andor
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Utrecht, Netherlands
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Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 08:51 AM UTC
hee guys ,my english is not very good but i try to tell my story. i just signed up for the campaign... I've buildt the Dukw from italerie and it's built out of the box. I want to build a diorama of Iwo jima..... but the rest is top secret...

I think that the dukw from italerie is a very nice kit to buildt ,but it is not super! some parts don't fit very nice... it take's some tools to correct it. i made some pics of my dukw ready to recieve some paint...

the pics :

greetings peter

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 10:14 AM UTC
Hey guys, everything is looking really really good. I am very happy with everyone's progress! I had some minor fowlups with my base today. My brother's german shepherd peed all over it... I am going to have to start from scratch because I do not have the courage or stomach to tackel a salvage op.

Mike C
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 10:25 AM UTC
I will be doing the Finemolds Ho-ni all ready started
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 02:51 PM UTC
ACK - I am still without digital camera, but I have completed the build of my M4A3 Sherman Flame tank, I built the flame for the tank - COOL STUFF...

I've gotten her all painted and highlighted - now comes the weathering...I'm building it OOB, with some minor scratchbuilding...HardCorps Models Resin wood armor, miliput sandbags, and a few more toys...but no PE...

If Santa brings that camera, I'll have some shots to share SOON...


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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 10:23 PM UTC
Andor, your LVT looks great! I am looking forward to see it with some paint on it.

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Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 02:58 AM UTC
I feel like I'm just creeping along. Great work you guys!
Mike, what can I say, even if you did try a salvage you'll have dogs sniffing after it for ever.

Andor, great work. Like how you enhanced the welds. Only thing to watch out for is that they would have taken great pains to make sure nothing blocked the engine cover vents. I'll have the turret hatches and one side hatch opened, and of course since I have the grill engine cover I needed to include the engine, I have to make it like the photo. So the real reason I'm using any of it is just because I have too. Also, on your LVT, I don't remember seeing the bilge pump discharge Cover over on the left side on the pontoon.

Peter, great start. Looking forward to seeing that surprise you’re keeping secret. Here is a great reference site for you: USMC DUKWs Don't forget to plug those little vents on the sides.

Larry looking forward to seeing some pics. A lot of Japanese tanks being covered.

Patrick I would love to see those flames. I read Don's write up but haven't had the chance to try it yet.

Mike, thanks for a great campaign, nice to see all the interest, and I have only 2 words for the dog, SHOCK COLAR!


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Utrecht, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 11:46 AM UTC
hey bob
tanks for the link jou left for me.... After a long time searching on the ineternet i've found some pictures with de dukw on it. But i never saw these foto's.

what do you mean with the "" vents" . Are that the little stripes on the side??...

greets Peter
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 01:04 PM UTC

Hey Peter,
Yes those holes in the ribs going the length of the dukw.
If you look at those fotos at the bottom of that link theres a great side view of a dukw at Iwo and will show what I mean.
You have a great start, looking forward to seing more,
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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 01:51 AM UTC
A small update on my Chi Ha. I have now installed the tracks and given it a white basecoat. I have decided to leave the tracks and wheels on during painting as I am going to "mud up" the tracks and suspension later.

More to follow

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 04:23 AM UTC
Looking good Jesper. I wish I had your progress! I will post some pics later today.

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Utrecht, Netherlands
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 06:51 AM UTC
hey bob

i see what you mean , i did't see it before but thanks for your comment ( i hope i use the right words i can speak english very well but write it down is sometimes difficult) and next week after cristmas i'm going to give her the first base of primer paint...

greets peter
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Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 07:39 AM UTC
Thanks for the kind words Here the pictures you wanted:

This shows the new headlamp and the reworked (drilled) MG:

This is my new idea of priming: the upper surfaces are covered with light grey and the chassis is dark green (almost black). After the Olive drab coating this priming will affect the OD shade: the lower surfaces will be darker then the upper.

Also a picture of the OD colored body:

This is where I am today. The OD color is Tamiya XF-62. Hopefully will be a good result (my first attempt with Tamiya olive drab). The turret is still grey, it will be sprayed later.

Firstly also thank you for the comments!

Here you can find some pictures showing the pipe on the left pontoon. (I do not know the real function of that, but can be seen on all pictures regarding the Amtank) It was made of aluminum pipe and has a U-shaped protector as well.
This is the very first time I am doing experiences with 2 component putty and that "tent sheet" was made of that material. I enjoyed how it bends and was a fun to form to the engine vents' shape. Also the sand bags were made of this material, just for experiencing. Fortunately they can be removed, as they are not glued to the body.

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Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 09:46 AM UTC

A very important question for you about my Amtank.
I still not decided what paint scheme to follow. Here are my plans:
1945, Keise Shima, "Jim's Girl" from US Army 708 Amphibious Tank Battalion

But here the front mounted .30 MG is missing. So this version is not applicable for my modell

1945, Okinawa, US Army

Two symbols are painted on the rear plate of the turret. Could be these seigns special markings painted by the crew? (Green four leaf clovers?)

I have opened Concord's book (Concord - Armor At War 7032 - US Amtracs & Amphibians at War 1941-45) regarding the Amtank. There are some color drawings of USMC Amtanks as well.

Although all late Amtanks are painted OD, soon I have to decide whether Army or Marine Amtank to finish...

Any comments are welcomed!
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Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 11:40 PM UTC
Thanks for the encouragement, Mike. I really appreciate it

Andor, Good progress on the base coat painting. I would go for the bottom picture of the Army version on Okinawa.

Firstly, it would be a pity to remove the hull MG.

Secondly, it seems that there were quite some stowage and "clutter" on these LVTs. That could add some realism to the LVT and make it look more like it has seen some action. It also fits with what you have previously shown about the sandbags and stowage on your LVT.

Thirdly, the US Army markings seem to be more colourful. Some stars, numbers, lucky charms etc. would lighten up the green paint coat and add some character. I agree with you that the lucky charms are not white compared to the white star markings. But my B/W interpretation is not good enough to say if they are light green, yellow or another colour.

Looking forwar to see what you choose
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Friday, December 21, 2007 - 11:10 AM UTC
I think they could in fact be white. If you look at the shadows and such it seems that the star on the right side of the turret is basically the same color. I'll see if I can investigate further.
