Mark and I talked about figuring out how to let everyone know just "what's going on" within the realm of campaigns. He and I created a spreadsheet that would assist us in figuring out what was going on and when....but that did little to help you, the folks behind the campaigns.
I'm hoping that the picture below will aid you all in seeing what is going on now and what has been approved (operative word here is "approved") for the future. Please note the dates that they are running as this should help you determine ideal/better dates for you to submit for your campaign....look for dates that are reasonably clear for your submissions....if there's too much going on, we may suggest alternate dates. As a note to that, a "normal" campaign would run roughly six requiring a much more "indepth build" can go longer; no problem.
It is Mark's and my intent to update this as frequently as necessary. If you have comments or suggestions, please, feel free to post here or contact us via PM.
2008 is pretty open...let's get the submissions in!
"Green" is AFV and "Dark Red" is Dioramas. The pic is kinda fuzzy, but I think you'll be able to see "what's what" easy enough. If you see something I "oops'd" on, please let me know. The "colored" in dates are approximations...if a campaign starts on 4 January, I colored in all of January....if it ends on the 4th of March, I colored in February but not March. Hope that makes sense. If you see the light blue on the far left, that indicates that the Campaign has ended.
With that, if the current Campaign leaders would, at there convienience, drop me or Mark a number of "enlistees" and the number of "completee's." Nothing involved, just something to track the "topics" that folks seem to like more than another. For example, if you wind up with 25 "enlistees" and an end result of 20 "ribbons" awarded, I'd be interested in knowing....don't need names/log-ons...just numbers...may be worth "marketing" a future campaign? Kinda like a "what's hot, what's not?" Dunno.....

I will do my best to keep this updated. If, however, after a couple of weeks after being approved, and you don't see your campaign there, shoot me a PM to politely (hehehe) "remind" me to get it up there.