Even though Bill Plunk(wbill76) did a smashing build log for the Panzerjagerwagen Vol. 1, I'm going to do one for Vol. 2. Typically with armor models we start with the wheels and suspension, and it is no different here. Step 1 is broken down into 3 sections which is further broken down into small sub-assemblies.
Here's the parts used for the hub and springs

Fine detail here, it's a shame that it will be hidden, the writing is from a brake system manufacturer, Knorr-Bremse AG Volmarstein 1940, though some letters have been slightly altered (same as DML does with thier Continentau)

When assembling parts A6, one side is beveled, and I placed A6 & A9 together like this.

Also, do not be tempted to drill out the hubs. That's not flash in there, the axles are hex keyed to aid in alignment.

And here we are with the finished hubs

The axles were a little loose, so they got glued, leaving the wheels and spacers free to turn. In hindsight I should have assembled the wheel wells first before getting the axles glued, so I could make sure that the springs would seat in the mounts squarely. As it is I just eyeballed them and hoped for the best!

The wheel wells, parts E10-E13 and E1-E4, are shaped different, so they all got marked before leaving the sprue. I see in Vol. 1 this also applies, so as Bill stated just mark them on the side that will be inside the hull. I also filled the pin marks in case my train got derailed by my cat.....I mean a mine. The funny thing is, the sides that face the inside of the hull and will be covered are nice and smooth! Too bad the pin marks were on the side that would show (if you turned it upside down and looked)

Everything so far has gone pretty smooth, the instructions are quite clear, just some clean-up and dry fitting to be done. This is where we are....

As always, comments and criticisms welcomed.