I tried following these directions that are listed under "Image Help" in the forums. What did I do wrong?
How can I add images to the forums?
There are several ways to add images to the forums. All of them require the image to be "hosted" somewhere on the Internet. See the previous question for more about this. For those who have images hosted and would like to display them, here are the options:
1.) BBCODE - This is the simplest way to show images in the forum. You can use the buttons provided to insert the tags for your image into your post. Clicking on the IMG button you will see this:
Now all you need do is insert your image location where the text says "put.url.here/image.file". So as an example if you have images on your space at AOL then it would read:
Note that ".file" will be one of the typical image file extensions for most browsers. That being .gif, .jpg, .bmp, .png, etc.
Some of the disadvantages of BBCODE are that you cannot control the size of the image. For that we would use HTML.