Fearing all you Pro's , and semi-Pro's I was kind of a challenge for me to post my work here, but Cheyenne said I should give it a try.so...
This is a Post about a dio I'm making , called "La Factoria".
It is a fantasie, but I'm having a story to tell about it
Its supposed to be a part of Beck's funnies as I call'm.
( hobbard's funnies ..get it?

The commander Beck of the Werhmacht was given de task of converting old obsolete captured material,mainly from the defeated French Army.
one of these conversions where the Marder1 auf Lorraine, and a lot of Lorraine carriers (a small ammo/cargo carrier)H38/39's,Somua, R35's ect were converted, some into Marders aka tankhunters, this was done by putting the finest Panzer Abwehr Kanone (Pak) onto those chassis, hens making the anti-tank units more mobile (since the distances in the east where, to eurostandarts, HUGE! )
So back to the dio, I decided to make somkind of factory and some Marder versions, I hadn't decided which one to pick, first I was gonna put a couple of Trump Pak aus H38's on it (with Bronco chassis) and some fine detail Pe, but finaly I got a hold of 2 Marder 1's auf Lorraines by Rpm
Luckely I still have an Ironside Lorraine (witch I was also gonna be building) and as this has better detail, I use this as an enhancement tool/reference for the Rpm kits, witch aren't that bad, but lacking some bolds and rivets.
Enough said, some pics now, and I'll see what comments come up

plaster castings made by, euh me LOL

scribing till you get snowblind

adding some details, rails ect, the polish off is just a scalemeasure for myself,(everystone is scribed by him at night , but hé don't tell anyone)

putting some balsa slide doors on it

some windows and a door (note: door has been changed in later pics, because I forgot to have a "kaderement" for the door,( the wood where the door hangs into)
added some drainpipes (woodsticks , straw from juice, alufoli and some copperwire)

test colors, note underside not done, will be different color, and also easier to put it into the dio afterwards, glue, plaster and painted things don't go well together

being kind of a fruitcake, I decided to make all the stones on the courtyard one by one out of foamboard, they're 0.5 on 0.5 mm and there are a bl**dy lot of'm, I almost when mental after the first 10/10cm, as it's 18/60cm large

but I didi it

same kit, different decals, fairly well done Pak ,lot of work cleaning, but hey that's life, nothing for free.

well hope you guys (and girls) like my dio
Tha Pit