Besides that, its a good idea not to finish single components in a diorama before you are ready to tie it together with your wheathering - meaning that the dirt and dust and grime you ad to your groundwork should allso be present on your figues, vehicles and structures - grunts gets dirty on there knees, elbows and stomachs - REMFs get dirty on there a**

I am going to leave my groundwork for a bit, it still needs alot, but I felt for a change so lets go to the M 18 Hellcat - it needs some stovage to look lived in. Theres a lot of upgrade kits out there that includes stovage, but I like the cheep approach - and I am going to use stuff from the sparesbox, tissue paper, whiteglue and some of my wifes stockings to give the TD a bit of carracter.

Soldiers are good at "organizing" - stealing from REMFs and others who are not smart enough to look after there stuff or "liberating" - stealing form the enemy .... so you will find all sorts of stuff on a tank, not only military issue.

Bedrools, tauplins and camoflage netting, drikables, eatables, shootables, digables and other stuff

To help shaping and position the rolls I glue in a piece of solderwire, it makes it easyer to give it a permanet shape, while adding diluted whiteglue. - this one goes on the rear of the TD.

So far the stuffs only basepainted with diluted paint to help it soak in on the gauze and tissuepaper - effects are comming.
Feel free to comment or ask away