Don't forget, that you can enter your entry during the whole of the month of May. Just email your entry to henk.meerdink{at} (no limit of file size, so no need for multiple emails).
To enter you need to submit of course at least one photo, but we really appreciate it if you send us at least 15 pics, in case we want to use your model for an On Display feature afterwards.
Just to re-cap, the model should be recently finished, a simple base with some ground work is permitted, but no structures or figures. A figure that is part of the kit, such as a driver or commander, can be accepted, but no other figures. If you submit more pictures, for a future On Display, please don't edit or resize them, as we can do that. Mind you, if you can re-size them to 800x600, we won't come around your house at 03.00 in the morning..

Don't forget, the competition is sponsored by Dragon, and you can win one of three new kits every month. So don't be shy, get your entry in today.