Thanks guys for the very kind remarks, Hi Aleksey this one was quite easy to paint finished the wheels and tracks being so open but some tanks are better to paint seperately, here is a SBS of the paint and weathering for this one for anyone interested it is my standard for russian armour because i like the results it gives.
All painting was done with acrylics and all weathering was done with oils and lastly pigments.
1. Basecoat of some mix using MM acrylics just mixed it until i liked the colour, then applied a coat of future and the decals were added.

2. A sloppy all over wash using vandyke brown.

3. Another all over wash using raw umber.

4. Next using vandyke brown i did some drybrushing to give the green some variation.

5. The wheels and tracks were painted using acrylics.

6. Wear and tear was added using a bit of sponge and vandyke brown oils paint, the sponge was dipped in the paint then blotted off then dabbed along edges and places where damage may accur.

7. Using Reapers "shadowed steel" i did some dry brushing heree and there, mainly the tracks.

8. Next i went back over the places i added wear and tear with a rust wash made using burnt sienna.

9. The tracks and wheels received a heavy wash using vandyke brown.

10. now the rust wash was dry i used the wet brush from the track wash to feather and fade the rust.

11. A black pin wash in selective spots was next.

12. Next an all over wash using raw umber.

13. The final step was adding the pigments which was done by scrubbing the dry pigments into areas i wanted then hard brushing the loose away, also using graphite touched up the MG's and one or two other spots.

The chain received all the same treatment as the model before being added.