For the kit...I used Tamiya's T-55 with the Cromwell Enigma conversion. I also used the Eduard T-55 PE set (overkill for this kit) and a set of Fruili Tracks that I need to Paint still. One note on the Cromwell get parts for both the APG and Bovington vehicles, but its more of an OOTB kit for the Bovington Vehicle since the APG vehicle has a couple more odds and ends done to it like the squared out rear fenders, removed mounting bolts on the frontal armor, and various odds and ends that need to be added. I did mine as the APG vehicle since I have fairly easy access to it and I have about 80 odd photos I took during the last 2 AMPS Nationals I've gone too, though I could have used more to tell you the truth.
The T-55 was first painted with Tamiya dark brown in the shadow areas and to outline items on the vehicle. I then used Tamiya buff to fill in the areas where the dark brown wasn't and blended the areas together. Then I used some deck tan mixed with buff lighten it up and hit the hit points with this mix. This method works better with darker colors like OD, though I'll play around with a bit to see if I can get better results. I still need to add filters and a pinwash to the vehicle and some dust and what not. I'm still not sure if I want to weather it as it is now at APG or as it was in Iraq before capture.