So, what's the verdict? When Pat McGrath Reviewed the kit and when the manufacturer published the images of the built model it gave me that certain 'tingling' feeling that here was going to be something pretty special. Pat's Review can be seen: HERE (LINK)
Now, this ISN'T my first Tasca model. I'd already built their (first) Firefly & U.S. M4A1 and i'll stick my neck out a bit and say, that in terms of quality, Tasca is the best manufacturer doing M4s. Even taking into account DML's M4a2s (which are superb) there's something about the Tasca models which really makes them stand out...

So, onto the first steps - the suspension units. Gone (thank all the Little Styrene gods

There are some (slight) mould-lines on the bogies which are easily enough to remove with medium grade wet'n'dry paper. To roughen them slightly, I gave them a touch of liquid cement and smoothed them down with my finger.
Here are the suspension units (front and back views):

Here are the Sprockets:

As to the hull is concerned, the lower 'tub' consists of eight parts which fit in a manner which is not good - it's superlative.

The transmission housing consists of eight parts and once again, the fit is absolutely perfect:

I dry-fitted the upper hull to check for fit and it just snaps in place over the sponsons and matches up to the bolted bar above the transmission:

More on the way...