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Excellent ideas, CDK, this would make it more of a 'library' and easier to find exactly what you're looking for. The model pictures could go into the Features/OD, making them a permanent reference area as well.
Thanks James.
Ease of use were exactly what I had in mind. Lets say there was a SIG about the Allied half track. If I was searching for technical information on the M4 mortar carrier, I don't want to have to scroll through M2's, M9's, M16's etc.
Also, while other members models may be nice to look at and a welcome addition (within it's own thread) to a SIG, I also don't want to have to scroll through those pictures and all the praise/critiques that may follow just to find out what the main differences were between an M4 and an M4A1.
Far too often there are those near 'awe inspiring' moments where you find a post that just turns on a light bulb in your head and answers the riddle for you, only to be buried and long forgotten within six to eight months time.
The SIG (in my mind) would end that, keeping the most pertinent information at 'arms' length.