As promised, here are a few pictures of the finished MUTT. I know that there are no decals, no washing, the driver is missing, some other pieces are missing as well (I managed to loose a couple of them, one is glued in the wrong place) and the topping to this, right at then end, when I have finished everything, I grabbed the truck to show it off to my wife and I have slammed it on the floor causing the right front wheel with the suspension and whatever else was there to fly through the basement. I have managed though to glue them back together without too much work. It's pretty fragile at this point in terms that it's not like new, but as a display model it's OK I believe. What do you think considering that this is my first time ever doing a paint job a putting so many hours into a model (I used to glue a plane in one night years ago, when my skills were....poor). Anyway, it was a fun and pretty easy build. Comments and critiques will be much appreciated.
Finished MUTT