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I'll be darned. There were two arty battalions there - - I seem to recall the other was 1/10 FA. Did Abrams have 2/39?
Oh yeah, in all his weirdness. Glad I only spent 8 months there. Of course, about 6 of that was in the field. We also had 1 & 2/30 INF, along with 3/7CAV. It was kind of crowded.
Schweinfurt was quite the place. And I totally agree that the the arty guys spent more time in the field than the armor battalions. I sent a bunch of my FOs to 2/39 when the FIST started up. A great concept and one long overdue in implementation. I went to 1/30 to be the S-3 very late in my tour. Interesting.
Howdy. I'm new here but thought I might input some related historical details.
I was @ Schweinfurt with the 1/10FA 1977-81. Agreed the other Bn was the 2/39FA.
Keep in mind there were two Kasernen there. The arty was a Ledward. The only 'armor' there was the A-Cav 2/7th cav. They had M551s when I got there but those were replaced with M 60A1s >I think< (no armor expert for all I spent 3 years @ Ft. Knox).
The arty spent about 4 months in the field a year on average but that was being increased. The A-cav spent 280(+/-) days in the field in 79 I think it was. Graf, Wielflecken, Hohenfels, border duty, alert roll outs... Guys used to try to get thrown in the stockade to avoid it until there BN-CO started getting them out to go to the field. Then they had an incident of mutiny.
So they started giving us arty guys border patrol. That could actually get interesting those days. Cold nights, old mines would go off sometimes.
Anyway, they were giving us arty boys cross training in infantry tactics. The arty unit resistance expectation in conventional warfare was 0, zero, zilch. It was understood we'd never get a gun out of the park. The 'ideal' was "for small groups and individuals to create isolated pockets of resistance for 24 hours." That was from the S-2.
Another difference was the fo arrangement. Originally, fo's were detached 13E (FDC) and selected 13B (gun bunnies). While I was there, they established 13F as a seperate MOS.
Back to your armor, those guys were at "Conn barracks." All I know is they had M60A1 at least. I don't know about later varients.
As for Schweinfurrt being quite a place- You could leisurely stroll across the kaserne in 10 minutes but it was the most built up Kaserne in the area. Had the biggest PX & commissary, western store (only one outside of Wurzburg IIRC), and a ski shop/sporting goods store. The local community was large enough to absorb the GI personnal without too much animosity. I recall Kitzigen (DIVARTY HQ) as feeling particularly sullen and resentful (not w/out some reason I grant.) The moral of soldiers there suffered accordingly.
I know this veers off topic but though you might be interested in the history considering some of the discussion.