Posted: Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 01:03 PM UTC
IT'S FINISHED!!! well, except for the few things I noticed when looking at the pictures... This is the overall view. and just a little closer up the "point men" and some pics of the beast and here is a close up of the fence. Kinda pleased with the way it turned out.
Well, Fire Away! Let me know what you guys think! Cheers, BillK.
Posted: Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 03:44 PM UTC
Looks amazing! Really well done! I love the scenery, and the tank and figures are painted excellently. The only thing I'd change would be to stain the wood, as it looks a bit weird.
New Jersey, United States Joined: September 26, 2006
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Posted: Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 04:13 PM UTC
The diorama looks great overall. I'm impressed with many of the details, the fence being one of them. The paint and weathering are well done. The brickwork on the building is extremely nice and quite realistic. The figures turned out very well, too, and they're all wearing ushankas!
To my eyes, the one thing that sticks out is the space (the bare cobblestone street) right in front of the AFV. It looks a little empty. I'm wondering if some more building rubble or other battle debris might help fill the void. I don't think you would need much more than a few odds and ends to fill the space and pull the scene together.
Other than that one nit, I think this is some really excellent work.
Shalom, y'all.
Western Australia, Australia Joined: June 05, 2007
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The building turned out great. I like it a lot. Overall the project looks good. The one thing that 'dissconnects' in my mind is the way the soldiers are drawing my attention away from the ISU.
Techniques are all good.
Victoria, Australia Joined: July 28, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 - 03:18 PM UTC
Hi there
Love the dio and the setting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not too much snow but enough to know it is freezing weather. What about one guy,,,, maybe two hunkered down for cover, weapon aimed, on the top of the tank protecting the tank but also going forward with it?
Maybe that would help bring the attention back to the tank.
Nice work.
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."
Don Marquis
Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off.
Ellen DeGeneres
Posted: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 - 06:15 PM UTC
Very well done Bill,
I already commeted the building, i was very impressed, but i like also your fence (at first it looked a bit modern to me, but i will not look further). You found a good method to sandwich the fence between foil.
Good work, one of the best this year on this site
Cheers Claude
Tennessee, United States Joined: March 20, 2005
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Posted: Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 07:28 AM UTC
Thanks for the comments guys! Glad you like it.
Scott and Nige - you are absolutely right. I feel that the flow is kind of disjointed with the troops heading off to the right and the ISU heading straight ahead. I really thought about putting another guy to the right of the ISU, but with the fence there it did not seem likely that a guy would be there. I'm stll thinking about putting a guy on the tank Nige. I actually started one but I nixed it because I figured 1) AFVs draw fire, and being on one during an attack is not a good idea, 2) trying to hang on while going over broken terrain is hard enough to do in its own right now add in having to worry about getting shot and providing some protection from infantry just didn't seem like anybody would stay up there. Having said that...I think I'll put a guy up there for asthetics sake.
Rudi - the building and fence are scratch built.
Claude - The fence. I got the idea from a picture dated 1950. I had the same thought as you, might be too modern, but I wanted something a little different (and I didn't have any good PE fences on hand to use) so I went with it. And thanks for your kind comments, they mean alot coming from such a talented builder like yourself!
Spain / España Joined: July 04, 2003
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Hey I'm a new diorama builder, working on a Konigstiger diorama myself, but yours is great reference for first timers in technique. I am especially impressed with your dry-brushing and weathering on both the fence and AFV. My only sugestion is on the building structure perhaps you could add some sort of dry transfer, or sign, it might fill up some of the blank space!
Tennessee, United States Joined: November 16, 2002
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Thanks for the additional comments guys! It make building these things and showing them that much more enjoyable. Hopefully I'll get my dio for the half-track campaign done in time.
Cheers, Bill
Arizona, United States Joined: July 04, 2005
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Nice job on the weathering and I really like the snow and ice. The building looks very realistic , its a great finish. Who makes the snow and did you scratchbuild the building? Jim R.
Croatia Hrvatska Joined: May 05, 2007
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By no means am I a expert, but I really like it. I think the only thing I would have done differently would be having the tank pointing in the same dirrection as the troops rifles.
Great job on the weathering, like has already been said the snow is nicely done.