Italeri made an M-24 and M-32 Recovery, Dodge "Beep", Mk II Cruiser, 2 1/2/ ton truck kits years back, Tamiya made a few British pieces, the Matid. was one of them and I think they did a Valentine at one point along with the 6 pdr Field gun, with the mover, M4A3E2 Jumbo and the M4A3E8 "Easy Eight."
Tamiya "recycles" there kits every 5-10 yrs. or so while some companies do the "One shot, one kill." productions which you never see again. The Italeri kits stated above are examples of that. Here today, gone tomorrow.
One thing I've noticed over the years is that the older kits are starting to come back alittle with PE's added to them. Tamiya's Tiger I is a prime example.
I personal would like to see more PTO armor, Japanese stuff. Tamiya had a limited line of the stuff years ago, but because of LOW SALES, they stopped production.
Which is something companies also look at. How much money can this model make us, and can we charge $48.00 to $56.00 for it, and is it a "MUST HAVE IN MY COLLECTION." piece. The Dora is a perfect examlpe of that one. $650.00 for a kit with that many flaws in it!!If I'm going to blow that type of cash it had best be perfect!! No runs, no drips, no errors!!!
The ETO has been done to death, sorry, granted it's was the main focus for the war effort, but there were other places at war, that's why it was called WW2.
Anyways, there's my two cents.