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Hi Matt Your Panthers look great even without all the dust and dirt on them. Bummer about the missing parts, I don't have much in that area of spares, mainly PzIV parts. I 've been lucky so far and have had no missing parts,knock on wood. I like the red oxide car primer, I use it myself, cost under $2 at walmart. Hoping to see more of those Panthers.
I like the museum idea, would look cool as a diorama!
hi Rob,
Cheers for those kind words.
I used the red oxide as its a very fine coat and doesn't clog the Etched grilles.
We haven't been invaded by Walmart yet
I wish i could find Black acrylic car primer, as the closest stuff is the warhammer stuff.
I'll have the parts for the panther G soon (fingers crossed), but i've got other Dragon's to work on-
Panther D "Kursk" Basecoated ready for drybrushing.
Panther D Zimmeritted - being built,
Panther A Late (premium Kit) - Being built,
Panther G Steelwheeled (smartkit) being built.
Jagdpanther G Being built.
Jagdpanther Early , primered but waiting for Photoetch.