As promised, here's a couple of pictures of the basic progress so far.
First up, as the Dragon instructions call for, the upper hull is the first thing to work on. The SP Design's upper hull has a large pour-block that needs to be removed. Because it was rather long, I used the X-Acto razor saw as it had a longer blade than my other uber-fine saw:

And the resin "saw dust."

Once the pour-block was removed, I started by going through the instructions and circling the items that would get attached to the new hull and "X'ing" through those that would not.
At this point, I've gotten through steps one and two:

I've not run into any major problems, however, the grab handles from the Dragon kit will ultimately be removed and I'll replace them with wire. The SP hull calls for, basically, four of the C18 handle....hmmmm, there were only three in the kit. Additionally, there will be three small lift handles on the three access panels above the engine. I don't feel like scrapping and cleaning the Dragon parts so I'll make those out of wire too.
Fingers crossed, I'll have a couple of hours to "play" tomorrow.