Gaoyue, I appreciate these images which I have not seen previously, but I'm not totally in agreement with your assessment. My objections are mostly small and pedantic, but since we're discussing variants, I thought I should respond to your very informative post.
First of all, there were no official designations by the
Waffenamt ("Office of Weapons Procurement") designating different variants between "early" or "mid," to this sort of taxonomy is really just for us to determine when in the war something was produced so we might know how to camoflage it, etc. Is this image below an early 7/1 with an added gun shield or a middle one with gun shielf factory-installed? Don't know and it doesn't really matter. It's not a "late" version.
This one is, of course, a "late" version because of the armored cab and radiator cover, as well as the different fender with its sharp angle bend. I'm not sure what you mean by a "different axle," as the photo doesn't show enough for me to see a difference. Do you mean a different hub cap? Same for the "different track," I can't see enough in the photo to determine any differences, and have never seen anything about different tracks being used later in the war. The Sd.Kfz.7 tracks were self-lubricating sealed pin tracks that performed very well in all conditions with minimal maintenance.
Quoted Text
Another late version of Sd.kfz.7, But not wooden cargo
I'm not sure why you say that, since this looks actually like a much earlier variant except for the sharp mudguard angle at the front. I can't find my copy of [i[Allied-Axis #21[/i] (reviewed by me
here) that has the earlier versions of the Sd.Kfz. 7 under their Kraus-Maffei numbers, but it looks to me like this photo above has the spare tires mounted on the rear and no storage bins.
Could it be a later version without the wooden sides? Yes, of course, but could you cite your references or other indications of why you say this is a late version other than the fenders and missing storage bins? Were the Germans producing the vehicle without the storage cabinets to save time & materials? I'm not doubting you, but you have asserted this is a late version and I just want to know how you came to that conclusion. Thanks in advance (TIA).
And one last question: is Trumpeter planning on introducing late versions of the 7/1? Your late version prime mover has the sharp fenders, so it would seem to be easy enough. You could even steal a page from Dragon's sales techniques and include a 2 for 1 "smart kit" that allows us to build either the early or late version?