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Okay, well as nobody else wants to ask the really dumb question: how does one anneal the PE?
** yes, I'm blushing embarrassingly as I ask this **
No drama, mate.
Annealing is a heat treating process. Heat the piece of brass with a flame (candle) or a soldering iron or electric stove (be bloody careful!). Heat until the colour of the brass changes. It doesn't have to get red hot (althought that will do it), just enough so that it changes from brass colour to a bluish or greenish shade (you'll se it, don't worry).
As soon as the colour changes let it cool. You can move the flame around the fret discolouring areas as you go and in the end, anything discoloured will be annealed. Don't bother with those that say you have to plunge the fret into water. That isn't the case and isn't what you do for annealing, it's what you do for heat treat hardening.
Very small & thin parts run a risk of melting if you put them into a very hot flame or the hot part of a candle so hold them higher & just watch for the colour change.
Practice all this on the edges or left over pieces of old frets to see how long to heat and how to get the results you want.