Step 1 starts off with the crew area, a fairly simple step involving the fuel tank, crew seats and flamethrower conduits. The plastic used by Bronco seems a bit softer than what I'm used to, and any clean-up was easily achieved. It also seemed, to me at least, that the parts didn't want to 'tack' quickly, but once the glue dried the bond was very strong. The first step was a good learning step for things to come

All these parts were off the B sprue, with the exception of the 2 'hoses' which came off the flamethrower specific G sprue. Parts B35 and 36 are mis-marked in the instructions and should be B28 & 29, no big deal as they're easy to spot. I have the firewall in place to help line things up, and used Mr. Surfacer 1000 to fill any small gaps. A trick I learned here on the forums is to apply the Mr. Surfacer, wait a couple of minutes, and smooth out with 90% isopropyl alcohol...works like a charm.

Made a bit more progress, but that'll be for tomorrow