Hi Pierre – I can agree with your analysis – it just doesn’t look right does it? Someone once said: “if something looks right – it is right”. I think the corollary is probably true too. But as I said, I remember reading somewhere that some of these machines were built and used – so I’ll sit on the fence for the moment.
I agree with Scott’s assessment of the RPM kits too. They can be pretty poor in terms of finish and detail. They need a lot of TLC and extra detailing. They are certainly not in the same mold as Tamiya ( pun intended ). But they do make some interesting kits – and I like that. You need to put some work into them – but hey! Isn’t that part of the fun? (Some might argue that one!)
Hi Alex – I have no secrets, not from here anyway! At the risk of sounding a little trite, my best resource is time and a curiosity that my wife thinks borders on OCD! The Internet is a great source of info if you are ready to cross-check things and sift through all of the cr*p.
More specifically, and hopefully, more helpfully, I like this site:
It has some nice photos and a simple text.
A nice primer on Soviet ‘light tanks’ is: ‘Light Tanks T-27, T-38, BT, T-26, T-40, T-50, T-60, T-70’ (Russian Armour) (Paperback)
by Mikhail Baryatinskiy (Author) .
This book is reasonably priced and I think is readily available (Try Amazon).
The Armada series of ‘books’ on the BT tanks – Tahkn BT 1,2 and 3 are also good value. (They are a little like the In Action books in format). They are in Russian – but contain bags of photos, drawings and plans. The photos have English captions. These are also reasonably priced – but the price can flex quite a bit – because they are a little more difficult to get hold of. I got mine of e-bay for a good price.
As Scott kindly mentioned, I have written a detailed treatment on all (?) of the 1/35th scale soviet light tanks – which can be downloaded from the AMPS NZ site. It contains other references (mainly on-line) which u might find of interest.
BTW – I am, by no means, a scholar or expert – I have no access to primary sources - so please don’t pick too many holes in it. But I have spent a lot of time (too much) scouring the web – and I can collate info fairly well. I also have a good stash of kits to play with!