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suggestions/critisizms on paint scheme are encouraged
Machu---looking very well done here.
Just a couple of suggestions on the display stand for your consideration.
On the rails, paint the sides of the rails rail brown or a brown/rust color as they will "color" like this in real life. Leave the rail tops steel to show the wear from usage.
The railroad ties look uniform. If you wish, you could try drybrushing some various browns/muds/light grays on some of the ties. They don't all weather the same so you can have some fun here.
As you near completion you could also consider adding some small weeds/growth along the railway right of way to add some visual interest to the base, or perhaps a small pile of debris/junk.
Your model looks great, my suggestions come from my latent model railroading days and should not be considered a criticism of your fine work here.
Well done sir, and looking forward to more pics once completed! Thanks for the opportunity to comment.