Hi Pat,
Thanks, it took a good few hours to sort out the front ammo box lol, lol. The straps need to thread through two small fixings on the grill, which I made from wire, and then thread through the front of the PE support. Sounds simple but took me ages lol, lol.
Also the PE support has two small ends that bend so that the frame for the ammo case sits a little above the chassis, but these broke off as I was getting it off the spur so I improvised with two resin feet from some scrap.
Lots of feeding straps through very tiny gaps coupled with some bad language lol, lol.
Anyway to answer your question, I'm not sure. I hadn't really considered a dio on Op Market Garden before. Then the announcment of the 1/35 gliders got my interest again, but it's an area I'm only beginning to read up on so I haven't decided yet what the setting wil be. I have a standby for the campaign of the old Verlinden Battle for Arnhem kit so that I might actually finish a campaign lol, lol.
In truth I'm tempted to wait for the arrival of said glider and see what it's like, but building the paras has been a lot of fun and a nice change of kit. This one has been sitting in a box for about 4 years now
I got a cracking book Op Marker Garden, Then and Now which has given a lot of new information and thoughts, some Carrier possibilities too lol, lol. The new 75mm pack howitzer coming out in plastic has also good possibilities and who knows a new 6pdr might be closer than we think.
Time will tell. I have some more figures ordered up and will see how things go. I also have another Tamiya jeep so it may go to conversion too if this one is successful.