The basic kit is from czech manufacturer MMK. It's the only model of the Tatra available in 1:35 so there was no choice: since I wanted this one to be my towing vehicle, I ordered it (140,00 Euro... *puh*

Here's a picture of the original vehicle. My painting scheme will probably be a bit different but thats a topic for later:

Last weekend I started with the central frame. There I had the same problems as with the trailer: a lot to putty and sand... well, I got used to it but it s...

Because there will be only another small frame to hold everything together I needed to be carefull when adding all the details for the wheels (axles, suspension etc.) At the end everything fit together quite ok and I was happy, that it was geometrically sound.
I knew from the beginning that I wanted to have the front wheels turned a bit. So I just cut the front wheel "holder", built movable ones with plastic sheet and fixed them with some wire: "tada"! Now the front wheels are working as in reality and I can choose my own way to display them later.
The instructions from MMK left only question marks in my head when it came to building the break system. So I just asked my Dad (a former Officer for automotive engineering in the NVA) and searched for some material in the german NVA-forum. It turned out, that the pneumatic cylinders for the front wheels don't fit at all. Meant some more work, but finally it was something that I myself called at least "ok". Afterwards I added the pneumatic pipes (as my detail-photos of the real vehicle showed me).
Thats it for now. Next time I need to build the rest of the frame.... but I'll have to rebuild the whole thing, because the part from the kit is