currently working on TrumpeterŽs railway gondola, nice kit, but missing all the detail underneath. That makes me to scratch build detailed Kunze-Knorr brake, used in Germany on most wagons after WWI for another 15 years.
Once I have the brake finished, I am making silicone moulds to get resin castings needed for any other car I want to build in the future.
After hard research I got enough references and started building.
Brake comes in a few parts, main cylinder, two valves, one of them very complicated, with brake power switch and brake shutoff lever , an the other one easier, with lever to empty air from system. At the end, all the rods and arms to transfer effect to the wheels.
So far I have finished both valves:

Main cylinder needs about 12 more parts, then I will start with the arms and rods, and the air system parts as well.

If anynone interested, more details can be seen at my website here:
gondola brake
Thanks for looking, any comments are welcome.