Some time ago I repainted a model of mine, the dragon kit of a Jagdpanzer IV L/70 (A) dubbed "Zwischenlösung" after the war. This is the third (and hopefully last) time that i paint this model. the first two attempts were rather disappointing, which made me strip the paint for a second time and redo the build of this model completely. For this I bought several detailing sets, a new barrel and wheels, and some styrene strips and rods.

Due to my limited modeling time and some tests with figures, I've almost finished reconstructing this tank. In the meantime I've had this one for six months on my workbench, and it's about time I finish the project so i can focus on something else

I'm almost done with the side skirt netting and after that only the modelkasten tracks need to be assembled. I hope to finish that by the end of this week. I'll keep you posted