Hi Neil
What a great idea and a neat model combination. I agree with you that this is Jadgtiger 331 which was brought back to the US and currently resides at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland.
I am not sure how accurate you are wanting to be and I am not criticising nor detracting in any way from your excellent work but Jadgtiger 331 was painted in a three tone ambush scheme.
Unfortunately this seemingly excellent photo is so washed out that it appears to be overall Dunkelgelb. I to thought the same thing and set about confirming it was actually 331. It's identity can be confirmed by the large caliber shell gouge on the lower part of the gun manlet just behind the barrel.
I have an excellent picture of 331 just after it's arrival in the US. It is sitting on 100 ton trailer with all tools and tracks removed finished in a hard edge ambush scheme.
Enhancing the photos suggest 331 was most problably finished in overall Oluvgrun with Dunkelgelb and Rotbraun added along with the small corresponding spots of color that make this scheme unique .
I can send you the both the standard and enhance photos so you can see what I am talking about. There is a color photo of 331 taken at Aberdeen in the early 1950s which supposedly show it painted in its original ambush scheme but it has since been learned that around 1950 these vehicles were repainted and a comparison of the original arrival photo and the color one shows a completely diffrerent pattern with red brown being the dominant color. This color photo led many to believe that 331 was actually painted in a base coat red oxide but that is not the case.
Sorry for rambling but I just thought you would like to know.