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T34/85 update #2 the Fuel Tanks :-(
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Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 05:35 AM UTC
Ola People

Here a new update on my T34. The Fueltanks. As this is my first tank where I do a great PE job I came along with a lot of problems with the Fueltank holders I had some problems with the bending of the stuff and at two holders some stuff even broke off I`m quite satisfied with the result though. When I looked at the pics I saw that on the right rear fueltank I have to do the Straps to hold that fuel tank in place are too loose. I have to fix that ok enough talk here are some pics

More pics can be found under this link

As always I want to hear what you think of it and comments and other words are always welcome

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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 05:47 AM UTC
It is looking really good Robert. This one will be another winner.
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 05:51 AM UTC
Faust - Nice job. That PE looks very finicky. Lots of very small stuff. You have pulled it off very well. Nice and clean - good job.

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Milano, Italy
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 05:52 AM UTC
Faust, your pet is growing up everyday better. At what extent do you enjoy working with PE?

P.S.: don't worry if the PE parts break, if you are a bit familiar with soldering and the parts are not too small you can easily repair them strongly and invisibly...
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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 06:01 AM UTC

You are really doing a great job with the T34. That Royal Models set is very, very nice.

From a "techinical" point of view the build is looking, very, very good.... the joints are clean and crisp, the folds are nice and tight and the glue is nearly invisible... most excellent work.

I can't wait to see the "artistic" parts of this model... like the painting, weathering etc.

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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 06:04 AM UTC
That is unbelievable. For the record, how many separate PE pieces are there on each fuel tank total? Great job...

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 06:26 AM UTC
Beautiful, simply beautiful workmanship. Be justifiably proud of your work.
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Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 06:32 AM UTC
Ola People

Thanks for the replies so far

Fabio I have not soldered one single piece of PE on this one. Everything that broke off is glued with simple CA glue.

Keenan I have a picture here that shows how much PE pieces there are in one single holder. One plastic rod and the resin fuel tank and some what 10 PE pieces. so 12 pieces total for the fuel tank and holder. Remind that due to the breaking of some parts the total count went to 13 or 14 pieces :-) :-)

Thanks again for the replies

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Antwerpen, Belgium
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 06:48 AM UTC

You are a brave man , nice work on the jit, I hope to see ''in the flesh'' soon
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Alabama, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 07:17 AM UTC
What an incredible job. Those holders look very difficult to work with; about how long did it take you to do each one? I look forward to seeing more progress pictures.
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Alabama, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 08:18 AM UTC
Great job so far Robert. I am currently working on my first kit with PE. I am doing a Panzerjager I with an Eduard set. It is more work than I thought.

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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 09:04 AM UTC
You have more patience than I.....excellent work so far
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Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 12:12 PM UTC
Ola People

Thanks for the replies again. really great support.

Don`t worry you will see it in the flesh as this thing will come in a dio at the KMK Scaleworld

The amount of time I spend on these terrible pieces of metal (and I`m only talking bout the fueltank holders is three hours. Regarding the time of glueing the broken pieces wich was a real hazzard.

Everybody else thanks for the comments

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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 12:14 PM UTC
Great job, looks like it was a tough build.
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Vatican City
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Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 09:29 PM UTC
Man!!!! Tsk tsk.... walk around the model light up a torch for better illumination.......

Looked like a Ruskie Tank......vomits.....this is not good for the karma of an Exclusive german armor builder......

The PE work looked splendid though, very nicely bend thingy around them round thingy. no glue...tsk tsk....how come? does good PE work always have glue marks? geez.....

Clean build, very very pleasing to the eyes.....

Good work....

Throw the torch on the model...because it looked better than anything I did, so it must be destoryed. Buahhahahahahahahaha.....

P.S. Obe will be so proud of the PE work, he is gonna love ya for the super PE work

Da Truth is Outta There
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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, July 03, 2003 - 02:58 AM UTC
Excellent photoetching job Faust. You're right about it not being necessary a lot of the time but I think it really adds to this particular project. Looking good. Can't wait to see it painted.