I have just started building DML's late King Tiger. The weather here have been bad and I havent started my new job yet. The kit is a good base for converting it to a March 1945 Tiger II. I have already started to make some modifications which I'll show in the pictures. I'm going to finish it in the "ambush scheme". I'm not using any after market products yet, but I'm might be getting the Cyber hobby pioneer tools since I'm to lazy to use P.E parts.

The modified loaders hatch

Some changes made to the rear armor plate. Convoy light built from scratch, one of the back mud guards removed, block and jack removed. I still have some work here to do. Some sanding, more building such as a jerry can holder.

I made the front mud guard reenforcement from sheet styrene.
That's it for now. I'm gonna post some pictures of the turret tomorrow or so, depending on how the work goes. Thanx to Pawel and the rest of the guys who helped me so far with answering my questions!
Hope you like it so far!
// Henrik