OK - lets get some photos posted!
Im not going to post shots of the sprues etc, I find that really tedious - but if anyone needs to see close up shots, please let me know and i'll take some.
Sorry for the quality of the pics - these are just quick and nasty ones taken off the bench without proper lighting - these are just the preliminary work in progress shots, i'll take more formal ones when the build progresses further.
I've built a ton of DML smart kit panthers, so I can almost put the suspension together in my sleep - the kit instructions are pretty spot on now, no errors that I could find in the suspension sections!
I always glue the inner torsion bar sections in first, and let the glue thoroughly harden before putting the outside torsion bar sections on - this will allow the suspension to remain a little workable, rather than gluing into a solid immovable structure.

I also like to make a departure from the instructions order, and get the basic hull parts together, before detailing the entire structure as a whole. Its easier to fill gaps and deal with fit issues if you're not having to tread carefully due to previously added details!
In getting the hull together, I noted that there is a bloody great big gap in the rear - where the rear hull armor meets the side armor:

I'll fill this with styrene, and replace the weld later.
DML have modified the upper hull for the M10 fairly substantially:
Here you can see the rear ends of the hull side armor have been shortened:

I cant imagine that this was done on the real Ersatz M10, I was always of the belief that the disguise parts were thin metal that went over the existing Panther armor.. Im guessing this was done for ease of build of the model
DML have also thankfully raised the very front section of hull roof armor, just forward of the hatch plate for the driver and operator. On the real thing this was about 1cm thicker than the rest of the roof armor plates

M10 kit:

LSW Smart Kit:

SO, thats where I am so far.. A VERY productive Saturday morning so far. Im waiting for the glue to harden on a few joins and gaps, then I can move on with construction - more images to follow!